Sunday, May 3, 2009

Damon Braces Blog

Here you’ll find blogs from several Damon Braces patients. Follow them as they go through treatment in Damon Braces. The Damon Braces System offers a unique way to straighten teeth using state of the art technology that give you a straight, broad, beautiful smile in less time than ever before. Log on each week to see how our patients are doing. We think you’ll be surprised at their progress.

Winter Break with Damon

Things here are OK, getting ready for winter break. I can’t eat a lot of candy and stuff because of my braces, but I guess that’s ok. I sneak a few pieces here and there. My friends made us all Christmas treats, and I’m not supposed to eat any, but I did anyway. They were great. So far I haven’t had any problems with the brackets. Some of my friends have had broken brackets, but I’ve only had one come unglued once. Not too bad. My teeth are really starting to look awesome. I can’t wait to see what they look like when I get the braces off.

Chow for now.

Another fire and my braces made it through

Another fire broke out last night on the other side of our house. We kept thinking that it was great that they saved our house, and there’s nothing left to burn around here. But I was wrong, there’s a lot to burn. At midnight the fire burned so close they evacuated us, again. This time 6 houses burned down the street from us. It was really windy and the embers were flying down into our area. It was crazy.

My play was Thursday, Friday and Saturday, and thank goodness we got out so I can still perform my last show. Everyone says our house is fine, so I’m not too worried. Hopefully they’ll let us back in soon.

I really like the play we’re doing. It’s been a lot of fun. Next year I’ll have my braces off for the play if I get cast in it. They really didn’t bother me during the play at all.

I can speak, sing, eat, no problems.

Crazy Times In LA

Well, I’m in the middle of the craziest time of my life. I’ve got soccer training in the AM, school, play rehearsal, then on Tuesday and Thursday I have club soccer practice then on Saturday and Sunday we have games. The only good thing is I’m not in any pain from my braces, and so far I haven’t been kicked in the face. I do wear a mouth guard all the time in practice and games. I got a full facial with the ball once with braces and that’s all it took. Not much to say this week, just running around crazy with everything going on.

My Orthodontic Appointment

So we made it through the fire and we are all ok. It came up right behind our house, like 5 feet from the back fence. It was crazy close. So I had my ortho appointment yesterday and I can’t believe how my teeth have changed!! I had like these fangs that looked really bad, and they are coming down like regular teeth. It’s really cool. I don’t really care about my looks as much as some of my friends do, but my teeth really bothered me. They looked really bad, and I wasn’t smiling or I was smiling with my lips instead of my teeth. My teeth were pretty bad. But now they are stating to look better. It’s only been a few months and already the braces have made a huge change. They did bother me just a little when I had them adjusted, but they don’t tighten them, so it just feels like pressure for a few hours. No big.

The fires in California

OMG, we got evacuated from our house yesterday and so I’m sitting here with nothing to do, so my mom said to go write about it. We live in the San Fernando Valley of California, right outside LA. A few days ago a fire broke out in the hills near us. It happens every year, but this year it was closer. Someone came to our house in the morning pounding on the door telling us we had to evacuate. My mom got us all up and we packed up the stuff we wanted to keep. Then she went across the street to the neighbor’s house. They said it was a false alarm and to not worry yet. My dad was in DC for the week so my mom and grandpa were at home with me and my sister.

My Grandpa took me to my soccer game, but my mom and sister stayed home in case we had to evacuate. So then yesterday morning my mom woke up at 5am and the hill right behind our house was on fire. She woke us up and we got any extra stuff we needed and put it in the car. Like 2 minutes later the police and fire fighters were coming up and down our streets ordering an immediate evacuation. They were on loud speakers screaming “this is an immediate evacuation…you must leave now.” Somehow we got the cat from under the bed, the dog, and we all piled into the cars and we left. I turned around and looked back and the whole hill behind our house was burning.

It was so scary and we still don’t know if our house is OK. We’ve heard that it made it, but that others didn’t. Hopefully we’ll get to go home tomorrow.